
5 reasons why content marketing should be part of your strategy

More than three-quarters of B2B companies and more than half of B2C companies have increased their content marketing budget from 2020 to 2021. And rightly so, as our list of 5 good reasons for content marketing as part of strategy shows.

Stefan Huber
January 27, 2022  •  8min. Reading Time

Woman typing on notebook

Why content marketing and journalism are more united than divided

Native advertising is often found in a journalistic environment – and usually looks like it. But there are important differences that separate content marketing and journalism and at the same time so much that connects the two, as long as content marketing is done well.

Stefan Huber
November 17, 2021  •  8min. Reading Time


Exciting cases in the spotlight!

No two campaigns are the same. And yet there are projects that clearly step out of line! The first special case is a current datascience project that we implemented together with elements for Styria Tourism.

Stefan Huber
August 13, 2020  •  8min. Reading Time


Buyer Persona for Content Marketing – How it works

Many companies run the risk of wasting valuable resources by producing content that is guaranteed to miss its target because it lacks one crucial ingredient: relevance. The way to get there is via the buyer persona. But why is this so?

Stefan Huber
August 13, 2020  •  5min. Reading Time


6 Goals in the content strategy

In content marketing, content offers the consumer a direct benefit. Contents inform, entertain or educate. But they always fulfil a commercial purpose. Roughly 6 goals can be defined.

Sonny Damiri
August 13, 2020  •  8min. Reading Time