Corona still has a firm grip on our lives. After the first wave in spring 2020, we are currently in the middle of the second wave and due to the high infection rates, we are also in a renewed lockdown. What was still unthinkable for many people in summer is now part of everyday life: back in the home office, home schooling, social distancing, “flatten the Curve” – it feels like déjà vu.
The Sprint – defying Corona
Keeping the spread of the virus and the related health and economic damage as low as possible is currently – and rightly – the focus of public interest. Thanks to science, there will be vaccinations in the foreseeable future. The enormous worldwide efforts of research have thus been successful and have shown what we are capable of achieving – if we commit ourselves to a cause together. I believe that the same commitment and team spirit can also help us to move forward in the climate crisis. Just as the Corona crisis is currently affecting all of our lives, climate change will affect the entire world with its devastating effects in the coming years.
The marathon – not losing sight of climate change
Even in the current situation, I therefore see it as our duty to keep an eye on the long-term future and give the impending climate catastrophe the attention it requires. Where the journey takes us is up to us all as private individuals. Many have already changed their lives in favor of the environment. Consuming regional foods, giving up the car (where possible), riding a bike, using resources consciously: these are small things in everyday life that can influence the ecological balance – and which, if supported by many, will have a big impact.
Reach for important topics
True to the motto: “Climate change does not take a break”, we at Content Garden have thought about what we can do to help with our resources. We decided to create the “Green Deal 2021”. The goal: sustainable campaigns are given additional reach. The initiative is designed to encourage companies to take two steps: first, to bring sustainability issues into the communicative focus; and second, to communicate products and services that contribute to the fight against climate change to more people.
Let’s use the opportunity together to give relevant topics the attention they deserve!